BVLGARI 7008 Sunglasses in color 510813

BVLGARI 7008 510813
havana grey
brown gradient
BVLGARI 7008 Sunglasses in color 510813Sale

Also know as : BV 7008 , BV7008

$271.69 $219.99 USD
You Save $51.70 from MSRP.
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  • Description
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Product Information
Color Code:
Made In:
Frame Color:
brown gradient
Lense Color:
havana grey
Frame Size Information (click Here)
Eye Size
0 mm
Eye Size
0 mm
Eye Size
0 mm
(click for more information
Product Guarantee
  • We guarantee this product is AUTHENTIC.
  • This item comes with an original case, cloth and certificate of authenticity where appropriate.
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